Everything about Shih Tzu (History, Personality, health issues 9)

Learn about the Shih Tzu, a gentle dog with big eyes and a flat nose.

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Shih Tzu
Everything about Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu History

Stubborn dog, Shih Tzu.

Shih Tzu is a dog loved by the Chinese royal family.

Shih Tzu is lazy but has a gentle personality.

However, because of their stubbornness, they have the disadvantage of not being able to correct problems when they arise.

It is said that it was made by crossing the Tibetan ‘Lhasa Abso’ and the Chinese ‘Pekiniz’.
(To make a smaller Lhasa Abso puppy)

Shih Tzu almost became extinct due to the socialist revolution.
Fortunately, it wasn’t exterminated by the British people who lived in China at the time.

shih tzu origin : China, Tibet

Meaning oh Shih Tzu

‘Shih Tzu’ means ‘lion’ in Chinese.

A type of dog called a “lion dog” in China 3.
1. Chow Chow
2. Shih Tzu
3. Lhasa Apso

Shih Tzu Features

To tell you the characteristic of ‘Shichu’, the hair color around the eyes is as dark as wearing sunglasses.

Shih Tzu has a wide chest and protrudes. (In Korea, they call Shih Tzu a bird’s breast.)

Shih-Chu’s nose hair stretches toward the forehead.
Shichu’s fur grows above the nose like a chrysanthemum flower.

Shih Tzu Personality

gentle, relaxed, friendly.

“Shichu” who likes people and has a friendly personality.
But Shih Tzu is stubborn and cannot be fixed if he acts in trouble.

Sometimes there are mischievous Shih Tzu, but most Shih Tzu are really nice and gentle.

Shih Tzu-hair

Fur Length: Long
Characteristics of fur: straight wool

Shih Tzu has long, dense fur.

Shih Tzu has close eyes and nose, so she needs to organize her hair in front of her often.

She has long hair, but she doesn’t lose much hair.

shih tzu health issues

Shichu has large and protruding eyes, so you should be careful of eye diseases.

A disease common in Shih Tzu.
Cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, patella dislocation, hip joint, nephritis, external ear infection, skin disease.

So far, we’ve learned about Shih Tzu.”

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하운드 그룹 (역사, 특징, 성격, 종류)

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I hope it helped you understand the dog’s temperament and behavior..

Thank you for reading through.