Everything about Maltese

Let’s look at the history, personality, life expectancy, hair care, and finally, the diseases that occur a lot in Maltese.

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  1. History
  2. Personality
  3. Hair care
  4. Health issue
Photo from: : https://co.pinterest.com/pin/2111131070170104/

History of Maltese

Maltese, favored by Queen Elizabeth I.

Maltese Country of Origin: Italy

Maltese means: two theories.

1) a puppy on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea.

2) There are also claims to have originated in the Mediterranean region of Melita.

Maltese is an ancient breed of dog that appears in relics and literature from the Greek and Roman periods of B.C.

Maltese has the most dogs in Korea.
Let’s find out about everything about Maltese.

Maltese life expectancy : 11-15 years
Average weight of Maltese : 2-3 kg (up to 5 kg for large Maltese)

The lifespan of dogs varies by individual, and if a person takes good care of their health, they can live longer.

Maltese personality

Maltese doesn’t hold back.

(In Korea, Maltese is known as a dog that doesn’t hold back.)

Maltese likes people and is active, and they are playful even when they are old.

Maltese is jealous.
So, Maltese who live with a child has to teach hierarchy.
This is because you can attack children by thinking they are rivals.

Maltese is not afraid of dogs that are bigger than him.

Maltese hair care

Maltese have long hair and straight hair.
(For the long-haired purebred Maltese, it looks similar to the Yorkshire terrier.)

Maltese have hair in their ears, so they should clean their ears often.

Maltese health issue

Maltese get a lot of tears because of their eyelashes.
Eyelashes irritate the surface of the eyes, so you need to take care of them.

A common maltese disease.
Teeth related, reverse sneezing, Uterine empyema.

Female Maltese who have not undergone neutering should be careful of “Uterine empyema.”
The prevention method is neutering.
Surgery before the first estrus significantly lowers the incidence.

Uterine empyema Symptoms include.

1) I drink a lot of water.

2) You get to urinate a lot.

3) Yellow fluid comes out of the genitals.

4) I keep trying to be alone in the corner.

5) When you try to touch a puppy, it hates it.(I’m screaming)

If your dog has the above symptoms, you must visit an animal hospital for examination and treatment.
It would be really painful if the dog had the same symptoms as number 3.

So far, we’ve looked into everything about Maltese.
Thank you for reading until the end, and may you always be happy with your beloved dog.